Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rally and beyond

The RT rally in Elkhorn turned out to be a genuine winner! It was well organized with more food and activities than originally anticipated and it was enjoyed by all attending. We had 23 solos there (3 guys with all the women) and most of us 'hung' out together much of the time.
15 solos

Region 6 photographers

Happy Hour with solos
parked under the trees

The campground at the fairgrounds was lovely and most of us were in the shade under lovely trees.
Our 'voyage' on Lake Geneva and then the next day the 'dinner' (luncheon) theater were terrific and we got some time to browse the stores too.

Some of the mansions on the lake front are unbelievable.

 Browsing and buying in Lake Geneva.

From Elkhorn, Petey and I headed to Joliet, Illinois where we stayed in a casino campground for a couple of nights. It was exciting when the power went out (bad storm) and it was not just the campground power but the power company that had the problem. For a few hours, my generator got exercised since it was hot enough to need the a/c but the rain was enough to keep me in and I never did get to the casino.

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