Wednesday, September 28, 2011

End of September

     Well, it is just about the end of September and still way too hot in Florida! I did get into the RT this morning to do more re-arranging and taking things out and discovered the Turbo Cell charger that I've been looking for about a year now. Of course I do not have the correct adapter for my cell phone but I think I can get one without a problem. It is a neat gadget that uses a AA battery in order to charge your cell phone when you do not have AC or computer power. Seems like carrying it in my purse would be handy since the 'smart' phone needs charging more than the old ones.
    This weekend I'll be celebrating another birthday and will have a Champagne Brunch and massage so it should be a lovely day and even the weatherman says it will be less humid and more comfortable.
    Since getting home, Petey is usually not far from me and when I leave him for a few hours, I get 'yelled at' when I return.

look at me mom

my new seat


1 comment:

momi yaya said...

Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Your Petey is precious.