Seems I've been away from this blog for about nine months, and , no, I did not have a baby in this time frame. I have been busy with 'things' and 'stuff' and the time just flies by when you don't even notice it.
I have taken only one small trip and that was for my convention which was only in Orlando so a short drive away but a great week with my friends and professional colleagues.
Upon my return, however, I found a very sick Goldie (my youngest cat) and in four weeks time, I was forced to send him to the Rainbow Bridge. And, then, on top of that, Whiskers (next youngest) also had to go join him within six days. It was not a happy time and I am still recovering as are the remaining three 'old' ladies.
It is interesting that it took at least 5-6 weeks for the three girls to find new habits (new sleeping places, eating habits) and I know that is the result of suddenly not having the other two 'kids' in the house.
I am busy with some work at the hospital, zoo volunteering, being Treasurer of my Homeowner's Association and now I am also the President Elect for my professional organization's local chapter. I guess my committments mean I won't be taking long trips for a couple of years.
We got a new roof this year so hopefully there will be no hurricanes to blow it away. I think those are the 'highlights' of the last nine months and I will try to write more often.